
Friday, October 2, 2015


Last week I had trouble determining what to write about. The soccer team saved me by coming up with a big win and delivering a great story. In contrast, this week I have no shortage of things to write about. I could easily stick to my athletics theme and write about Greene Central receiving an Ejection-Free Season award at the annual regional athletics meeting. (Coach Bass was so proud!) I could write about Joey Sanders and the grit he shows by showing up to school despite his cancer and the tremendous show of support our school has given to this brave young man. I could write about the annual Meet You at the Pole prayer this week and the fact that students and staff can stand side-by-side and pray together for our school and all students and staff within it. I can talk about Mrs. Vernon and the Real World group and how she is working so hard to make a difference with some of our toughest students.

Instead this week, I'm going to talk about a group that could be The start of October is usually one of the toughest times to be a teacher. The newness has worn off. Students show their bad habits and the job gets hard. Add to that, you have a million other things to do that only distract you from doing your job in the classroom. You don't have to say it. I can see it on your faces. Some days are just tough to get through. But you do it.

While I try to be supportive, I know that I am not always an easy person to work for. I ask a lot of you. I want teachers that are self-driven, motivated for change and never happy with "good enough." If you are reading this, then that's you. Never short change how amazing you are and how good you are at a seemingly impossible task. You are here for a reason. YOU ARE GRITTY! You make a difference and that means the world to our young people. Thank you for the grit that you show by being at teacher at Greene Central.

1 comment:

  1. There is no such thing as "good enough."
    "Comfort is the enemy of achievement."
    -Farrah Gray
    May we never acquiesce...
