
Friday, November 1, 2019

Think Positive

This week I had several ideas about what I should write about in my blog. For the life of me, I can't recall them this morning because I have been wrapped up with the fact that our legislature hasn't passed a budget and that as of last night, they went home. It makes our jobs harder and literally takes money out of our pockets and it infuriates me. But I'm letting myself focus on the negative.

October is traditionally a tough time to teach. The newness of school has worn off and things got difficult. Students get too comfortable and their bad habits become irritating. If you didn't hold out on expectations or communication like you should have, October hit you hard. It happens every year. But today starts November and all of a sudden, the end of the semester seems like it is just around the corner. Teachers start talking about getting ready for exams and before you know it, you will be sitting in test training getting ready for the end of another semester.

So with the start of a new month, it's time to think positive. It's time for encouragement for students to give their best to finish better than they started. It's time to support colleagues as they push hard to be leaders in our building. It's time to check in on those beginning teachers because we all remember what they were going through. It's time to roll up our sleeves and do the hard work to finish. We have to think positive and let the negativity of October go. We owe it to our students and ourselves. Happy November everyone...let's do this!

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