Amidst my struggling with ideas on how to engage parents, I visited the teachers of my own children to get their report cards this week. The duty has formerly been handled by my wife, but now that the girls are in school in Greene County, I have earned the job. My visit to Snow Hill Primary and Mrs. Cook's class was awesome! I had a great discussion on how my child is doing, what specifically she can do to improve, how it links to assessments and what I can do to help. As a parent, I left feeling so empowered and proud! While I'm certain that Mrs. Cook was probably hesitant about talking with a principal that she barely knows, her professionalism and honest critique of my child's learning were so great that it changed my mind about parent contact and communication all together.
So there I am on cloud nine, and then I visit West Greene for my oldest child, Rylee. Rylee is smart, but she is too much like her father and she gets herself into situations that often take great work to get out of. While her academics were good, I listened to her teacher talk about behaviors such as hanging from bathroom stall doors and a foiled attempt to purposely trip another girl in class. Her teacher was honest with me (and I appreciate that) but I left struggling with what to do (other than threaten to strangle my child before we left the parking lot.)
I say all of this, because we are at the point in the semester where we know that we need to do something about our kids that are not cutting it. Just about every teacher has kids that have given up, skipped classes or acted out to the point of utter frustration. You need administrative and parental reinforcements and for the right kid you might just do anything to get them working and behaving again! Being a parent is tough. Some do a great job at it and some down right suck at it, but both of those parents have times that are tough with their kids. Please make the effort to connect with your student's parents and if you need help, please let me help you do that. Remember to contact the parents of those kids that are doing well too. Those make us feel just as good as it makes them feel. If you're up to it, take up the challenge that I posted last year of making just one positive phone call home per week. Good or bad, all kids make mistakes and they desperately need adults in their lives to help them when they do.
Where you mentioned "...it changed my mind about parent contact and communication all together." I am curious about the take away lesson from this experience.