It all seems very surreal this time of year. With testing and senior activities going on it is very easy to get caught up in the events of closing out the year. We all work so hard during this time of year and it can be incredibly frustrating and emotionally taxing. As I write this, there are currently 10 seniors that still have something standing between them and a diploma. Every one of them can get there, and motivating them to do so is a top priority. I admit that I get caught up in the events of this time of year. I worry. I stress. Every day this week I have woken up before my 5:00 am alarm thinking of what needed to happen. This morning I decided to use that time to reflect on where we are and to see the big picture.

Every one of you has worked incredibly hard this year and has been essential to student success. I am consistently amazed by what you produce and what you can get students to accomplish. We have come a long way in the past ten months and it does all seem quite surreal to think back to last August. This year I have watched tremendous growth happen for students and teachers. Some of you work so hard at perfecting instruction in your classroom, just to make it look easy for 80-90 teenagers. I have seen students recognize the work of their teachers through photos, cards, gifts, hugs and a whispered "thank you." Those signs of respect will always be the greatest form of payment that any teacher will ever receive. No matter what programs are purchased, laws are passed, what tests are given, a teacher will always be the most impactful resource on every child's education. They are simply unparalleled.
With one week left until graduation, this will likely be my last blog submission for the year. I want to use it to thank each of you for your service, your time, your tears and your patience. Most especially, I want to thank Mr. Rackley and Mrs. Wegmann for their years of service to Greene Central and to the teaching profession. You will be missed by teachers and students alike. Every day that I would rather be fishing than working, I remember those of you that have put in decades of work beyond my own experience and I stand in awe of your accomplishments. You are simply amazing.
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