A new teacher, trying to make use of her psychology courses, started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up."
After a few seconds, little Johnny stood up.
The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Johnny?"
"No Ma'am, "he said, "but I hate to see you standing up there all by yourself."
Undoubtedly, we are all tired enough to be that teacher at this point in the year. Between exam reviews, relentless urging of students to give it their best, awards ceremonies, concerts and events and end of the semester, we all look exhausted by the end of the week. With just a few days left of classes, we are at the point of realizing that we have just about given it everything that we have to give. If you are tired, then you are probably tired for a reason. You've used the last few weeks to pour your heart and soul into getting the most from your students. You've helped them make up assignments and attendance so that they have a shot at passing the class or scoring proficient on your exam. With one week of classes left before exams begin, I am going to ask you to give me one more week of your very best. Your efforts and enthusiasm mean a lot for student and school performance. Without you, so many students simply would not make it at all.